Welcome to PonnoBikroy.com's Help and Support site.

Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions about PonnoBikroy.com. Take a couple minutes to look the FAQs answers and learn about PonnoBikroy.com. Then if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    You only have to register if you wish to post an ad. You can browse and respond to the ads without registering.
    Signing up for an account on PonnoBikroy.com is very easy, quick and completely free. Simply, go to your sign-up page by clicking the "Post Your Ad" button to the right side of the Header and follow the instructions. You can sign up with an email address or your Facebook, Google, LinkedIn account. After signing up correctly, a link will be sent to your email with instructions on how to verify your email address.
    To log in to your account, simply go to your login page by clicking the "Post Your Ad" button to the right of the header and enter your email with PonnnoBikroy.com's password. If you have created an account via Facebook or other sites, click on "Login with Facebook" or other links and follow the instructions. To log out of your account, simply click on the "Log Out" option.
    If you would like to change your account details, please login into your account and go to your profile. Then click on the “Edit Profile" option and follow the instructions.
    If you're having trouble login into your PonnoBikroy.com's account, please check the following instructions: 1. Is your account properly signed up? 2. Entered the correct email address and password on the log-in page. If you still have trouble accessing your account, please contact us.
    There are some categories and ads for which you have to pay a fee, but there is no charge for all type of ad in all of our departments. All kinds of ads on our site are absolutely free and hopefully in the future all kinds of ads will be absolutely free.
    Posting an ad on PonnoBikroy.com is very quick and easy. Simply, click the “Post Your Ad” button on the right side of the header and follow the instructions If you are not already logged in, you will need to REGISTER for Free as the first step of posting your ad, then need to Login. Your ad will go live once it has been reviewed.
    If you would like to delete an ad, please at first login your account and go to your profile. Then visit your "MY ADS" page and click on the "Delete Ads" option or icon.
    If you would like to edit an ad, please at first login your account and go to your profile. Then visit your "MY ADS" page and click on the “Edit This Ad" option or icon.
    If you would like to set a new PonnoBikroy.com password, please login your account and go to your profile. Then click on the “Change Password” link and enter a new password. If you have forgotten your PonnoBikroy.com password, you can go to the login page and click on the "Forgot your password?" link.
    A membership is a part of the personal store or dealer store of the user. PonnoBikroy.com will create a personal or dealer store on behalf of the user. A personal or dealer store is a dedicated webpage on PonnoBikroy.com, maintained by PonnoBikroy.com, with content provided by the user. PonnoBikroy.com has the right to any content added to the Shop by the user and has the right to remove or not publish the content if it violates any aspect of the Terms and Conditions.
    Featured ads are highlighted on the main page and always appear that the top of the ad listings, both in the “Browse All” listing and the individual categories. Those who choose to feature their ad get the benefit of having their ad must more visible among the many other ads posted.
    Ads appear for 90 days, unless you delete them earlier.
    No, the information that you provide during registration does not show up on your ads. Only your username will be displayed. However, you can have your email and/or phone number appears if you enter that information when you post your actual ad.
    If you would like to start a chat, go to an ad page and click the "SEND MESSAGE" button. This will open a private chat between you and the ad poster.
    If you would like to read your chat messages, clicking the chat icon to the right side of the Header and visit your chat page.